Saturday, January 4, 2014

Lindsay's Maternity/Family Session

This post is long overdue. Meet Lindsay, the woman who made a big impact on my little girl!

We had just moved to Clarksville, IN and were looking for a good church. We "church-hopped" for months before finding some we really liked.

Rachel was so shy when we moved here. She would burst into tears if we tried to get her to go to children's church. She would beg to go sit in the "big church" with Josh and me. So we let her. She was very well behaved so it was working out fine, but we knew she was missing out on a lot of fun with the other kids there.

When the church down the street from us had VBS, Josh and I decided to send Rachel, hoping she would open up and play with the other kids. She was still very shy, but on the first day she met her teacher, Mrs. Lindsay, and bonded with her =) Lindsay went above and beyond the call of duty to help Rachel feel comfortable. Even to the point of carrying her from class to class, and letting Rachel sit on her lap during the lessons.
Rachel came home every night going on and on about how much she loved Mrs. Lindsay! And from that week on she has been eager to join the children in class at church!

Josh and I were so grateful to Lindsay for being so kind to Rachel that I offered her a free family session, not knowing at the time that she was pregnant with her second child. She decided to save the session for maternity photos and I'm so glad she did! Maternity sessions are one of my favorites!

I absolutely loved working with Lindsay and her family! And her son is a seriously handsome little dude!

Thank you for being so great to our little girl, Lindsay! We will always be thankful for you!

Lemarr Maternity Session!

 It was so great getting to see my cousin/sister, Amber and her family for Christmas this year! They flew from Texas to Tennessee with their little ones to spend the holiday with my parents. She is pregnant with their third little one so we had to do a maternity session! =)

Alex was a good sport in spite of not wanting his picture taken =)

Little Kaiden looks so much like my sweet Jeremiah! They both have a lot of "Bradley" in them =)

Such a great little growing family!

The Kruer Family Session

 This week, I had the honor of doing a session with some friends of our from our church. They just  celebrated their daughter's FIRST birthday!

 Happy birthday, pretty girl!

This is such a sweet family! How many photographers have clients who book a session and then take your whole family out to eat?! That is exactly what these awesome people did =)

I hope I get the chance to document sweet Anna's SECOND year of life! =)